roller coaster ride
2005-11-08, 3:15 a.m.

Alrighty, I think my life is going to be a roller coaster for the next while. So, Mr. Incredible text messages me yesterday and asks if he could go with me to FHE since we are going to a new house which happens to be near me. I am more than happy to oblige. So he comes and picks me up, we get there, he opens the door (seriously, I am having to get used to that) we go in, do the FHE thing, and after the lesson we have dessert. So there is this other guy that I am SOOOOO not interested in but is a really big flirt and is easy to flirt back with (with the common acknowledgement that we are not interested in each other). Yeah, so guess what Elizabeth did in front of Mr. Incredible. Yeah, flirted with him and then he gave me a great big hug. I think that that wasn't such a smart move and I won't do it again.

So, we drive back and we sit in the car and talk for like 1 1/2 hours. Yeah, crazy. No, no hand action or anything. Mine was available, but it really didn't feel like it was the right time anyways. But right at the end he gets a text message from the girl he just 'broke-up' with and totally starts TMing her right in front of me. Ladies and Gentlemen, when you are with someone DON'T do that! That is such bad etiquette! Seriously, the phone goes off and stays that way until you are away from each other, k? Bishop was semi-correct about cell phones, I think.

So it's time to get out, he opens the door, walks me to my front door (which by the way I never go through and so I was relieved when the key worked on that door cause that was seriously the first time I used it on that door), and I turn and give him a one-armed hug cause I was carrying stuff in my other hand. And that was it.

So I felt like things really didn't end all that fabulous and that they could've ended much better, so in between phone calls to my little sister, I text message him thanking him for driving and asking him if he made it home. He texts me back and says yes, that he is looking forward to watching the Princess Bride with me (which he has never seen before in his life, can you imagine?! and which we talked about) and that he got a 104 on his music exam (which I was worried about cause I kept him up the night before talking on the phone) and he said some really sweet things which shall be kept to me. :) No, you all don't get an open door to EVERYTHING that happens to me. Just the highlights so that you get the gist. But they really were sweet. :) Ah, I don't know how to read the man sometimes, but I think that he is interested. :) I hope!!!!!


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