long long entry
2006-04-20, 8:08 p.m.

Alright, I have reviewed the last few entries, so I know what ya'll don't know now. You need to know about me hurting my knee, New York, and about my computer, and then about school and then...a possible new guy...maybe. :)

So I was outside playing with my neighbors dogs and I was running one direction and one of the dogs bee-lines it right in front of me and I totally fall over and there was a loud audible pop and...I dislocated my knee. Terrible, huh? Luckily it wasn't broken. Unluckily this happened a week before I was to fly out to New York! Terrible, I tell ya!! SO I was in an immobilizer for 3 weeks, and now I am doing therapy.

Alright, New York. It's a wonderful place. As I was flying in, Frank Sinatra's New York, New York was totally in my head. I really wanted to sing it for everyone on the plane to hear. They probably wouldn't have minded. :) So I flew in, took a cab to my friends apartment, and halfway up the second flight I took off the immobilizer (being that she lives in a 5 light walk-up) and went without it the rest of the trip. Her rehearsal had been cancelled, so she was able to meet me there. I went for my first NY subway ride that night. And I had some real NY pizza...as greasy and good as it comes. It was totally cool! I got a metrocard which I still have. I couldn't sleep that night cause her place was really warm and the air-conditioning really didn't work well at all. Plus...I was in New York. There were all kinds of noises going on, so I laid awake most of the night. I went to the Schenker Symposium the next day at Mannes (I was able to figure out what bus to take and what Subway) and luckily when I got out of the subway station my professor was right there waiting for me. We walked to Mannes, I met a lot of people (oh, this is St. Patty's day, so everyone was wearing green) and went to lunch at a small Irish place and in honor of the day I had a cornbeef sandwich. It was awesome. That night I ate Mexican food from the place right below where she lives. The next morning I got a NY Bagel which cream cheese, got on the bus and took the subway downtown because the conference was at a different location that day. I ate lunch at the Original New York Sandwich Shop which was great...I believe I got a tuna sandwich. I ate with a girl who is working on her doctorate and her professor. That night I ate dinner with a guy working on his doctorate (totally cute but married) and went to the largest used book store in America. It was AWESOME!!! Then we went to a concert that night which was phenomenol. The next day I was heading back to the original place the conference was being held at (this is Sunday) and two missionaries were on the bus. I went up to them and asked them where the temple was cause that was where I was going to go to Church. We got off at the same stop, and I asked them if it was right down that street, and they said it was actually the building we were walking next to. Sure enough, I look up and there is the angel Moroni! :) I had been there on Friday and totally had not seen it!! :) So instead of eating lunch I went to Church at the singles ward that meets there. The building is beautiful. You have to take the elevator to get to any part of the building. I went back to the conference, which finished up at that time. I met Ashley Kelly and Paula (the girl I was staying with) at Serendipity!!! It was soooooo yummy! I spent a while on the computer that night figuring out places to go. I slept in a little and the next day I went to the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the Empire State Building, and a New York mall. :) I took a picture of Macy's on 34th and Broadway. I ate a New York hot dog on Liberty Island and ate my leftover pizza that night. But I got some ice cream which is totally guiltless stuff cause it has NO sugar or calories, and it is soooo good!! The next day I went to the Met Museum of Art. I spent 3 hours in there and still didn't see the whole place...and I didn't even stand still to really look at anything. BUT I took a few pictures of Monets! :) AND I saw Piatorgovsky's Strad and the Montagnana that I played when Yo-Yo Ma came to Phoenix. It was totally cool. I went to the temple at 2 (no lunch that day) and let me tell you the Manhatten temple is sooo beautiful!!! Then I went to eat at a Vietnamese restaurant which was to die for! It was so wonderful! Then that night I went and saw Wicked, a new musical about the witches of OZ. It was sooo amazing. I was sooo exhausted when I got back to my friends apartment. We hardly got to see each other. I flew out the next day. I was able to get breakfast at the airport. My what a wonderful experience that was!

Computer problems: so the computer that I am on right now was in the shop up until a week ago getting fixed. That is not entirely correct though...it was fixed probably halfway through March, and probably even sooner than that. But it takes a long time to ship out. So I finally get a call that my computer is in Arizona ready to be picked up. Well...I am in Alabama. So, I had to ship the loaner they gave me back to them before they would ship my computer back to me. I do my part, ship the loaner back. I call 4 days later asking if they had recieved it...and they say that they have but that it will take a FEW days to ship mine back to me because they have to approve the shipment and all this lame stuff. A week later I call and it is still there. They ship it back to me 2 weeks late. So I am without a computer for forever long. I get it back, turn it on...and the modem doesn't work. Either there is an extra modem laying around somewhere in Arizona or California...or it is dead. So I have to go to Walmart and get a new one. $50. Oh, yeah, and my birthday was Monday. Happy Birthday, you finally get your computer back and it still isn't 100%. But it is working now and I am grateful for that.

School. Five papers to write plus a Schenker graph to create. I am tired!!

Guy: name is Mark. Yes, that should sound familiar, same as ex-boyfriend. But this is a different Mark. He is 29 years old, done with school and works for a company that works for NASA. He is 6'2" or 3" I would guess. HANDSOME and everyone says he is a good guy. I have been on two dates with him. The first was in Birmingham...we went to a Thai restaurant which was amazing and then we went to a concert version of Don Giovanni which was awesome. That was supposed to be the end of the date, but he then asked me if I would like to go to the Cheesecake Factory. Guys just need to learn that they don't need to ask...just go. :) I said yes I would and we both got the Godiva Chocolate Cheesecake. We then drove back. We talked and talked and talked. It was great. Second date he picked me up and took me to this restaurant right by the river...we got a window seat, it was totally awesome. We then go to the movie theater...where I discover that he watches rated R movies. I admit it, I was disappointed. Gosh, of all things. I don't mind the caffeine. But I do mind the rated R thing. But the movie doesn't work out cause there is nothing good out right now and we go to miniature golf. He must have sensed I was disappointed in him, so I think he was trying to make up for it. It worked. We went to DePalmas...an Italian Cafe and had dessert there. I had my first cannoli. It was good. He then took me to the house, had a very awkward good-bye, and he invited me to go to Nashville with him the following weekend. I told him a few days later that I could, but my car broke down today. I really don't know if I should go. Really, my car is so old, and that would put such a damper on the trip if it broke down again. I need a car that runs!!! Ah, I don't know.
Alright. I'm not going. It's official. He called. I won't be going. He will give me a call sometime next week. Gosh, I hope this doesn't put a damper on anything between him and me. I really would've loved to have gone. I just need a car that works...that's all. Oh well. Elizabeth is sad, but I think she will get over it. I will find things to occupy my time. :)


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