2006-05-08, 10:39 p.m.

Can I just say that President Faust is the sweetest and cutest man alive! He has such a big heart, and he truly cares about the members of the Church. He made some of the cutest jokes.

I wish I could have a perfect relationship with my parents. My Dad is such a good guy, and he really has instilled in me a desire to follow the Prophet and abide by the scriptures. But...last night we were on the phone and of course money came up and...he's working himself to death, he really is. He is working two jobs, and is so exhausted when he gets home that he eats, sits in front of the TV, and then goes to bed. So I suggested that I go totally independent of my parents. He went off. I suggested that I get a student loan, and he just went off. And I understand why...he's working this hard to keep my sister and I out of debt. I appreciate that, but he is driving me nuts. He needs to attend the temple, say his prayers night and day, read the scriptures, and all those things. I don't think I have ever seen my Dad just pull out the scriptures on his own. Isn't that sad? And he is not doing that to keep me out of debt? I am sorry, but I don't like the feel or the sound of that. He should let me go and take responsibility for myself. He really should. It's not like I am going to pull out a loan and spend 10's of thousands of dollars. I am going to use it wisely. I am his daughter for crying out loud. He doesn't have faith in me. It's just really, really hard for me sometimes. I would rather have a happy father than one that is miserable and working himself to death. He is tired.
Yeah, I don't know what to do about that. Pray. That is the only sure thing I have.
Well, I may go on a date with this new guy this weekend, we shall see. If I don't hear anything from him, or if he says that he cannot come down, then I have a very free weekend...which wouldn't be too bad. I could give the house a real good scrub down. I need to get a new hose and get a power nozzle for it and wash all the spider webs off of the outside of my house. It's kinda embarrassing, all these dead bugs on the outside of my house.
I have 2 papers down and 3 to go for finals. I was very glad to find that I did not have to rewrite the papers I wrote and turned in last week, so all I have to worry about are two papers for my American class and one for my independent study class. YAY! Oh, and a Schenkerian analysis which I am going to start working on again in just a few minutes.
That's all. I needed to vent. Back to the real world. :)

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