Mommy and learning
2005-08-18, 6:35 p.m.

How about an entry!! Since the last entry, I have moved all the way across the country to Alabama. It is sticky and hot and wet and GREEN!! But it isn't as much of a shock as this was last year.

I dropped my Mommy off at the airport this morning, and yes!, I still call her Mommy and I always will. She is an angel and I really think that the only reason why she has not been translated yet is because she needs to rub off a little on me so that I have a shot at the Celestial Kingdom. If you would like more information on the Celestial Kingdom, please visit or
Anyways, I realized over the last couple of days that I had my Mommy with me that I really need to treat her with much more respect that what I have in the past. She deserves so much more respect than I have given her. I thought I was an alright daughter, and that I gave her more respect than most do, but these Southerners totally show me up. If you want to see what real manners are, come and check out someone brought up in a strong Baptist or Methodist family out here, and be prepared to be impressed. They hold the door open, they say 'yes ma'am and no sir', they are respectful to their elders AND to ladies, even when their parents arn't around to make sure that they are behaving. It's incredible. I love it.

I think that I am getting a southern twang. It only shows up when I am here in the South though. It goes away when I am in Arizona. Maybe I have the gift of tongues, except it come in the form of the gift of accents. :)

So, what did I learn today?? I learned that you can have too much of a good thing. For example, if you are so much of a patriot for this country that you spend a great deal of time and money on defending the much that you neglect more important responsibilities such as family, spouse, friends, etc., you will not have a fulfilled life. I am not meaning to have moderation in all things, but to do what you need to with all the heart and strength of mind and body that you have until it is time to move on to another responsibility, and then put all of your energy into that. Planning out your time helps when doing this.

Enough, have a great day!!


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