boy trouble
2005-08-25, 10:12 p.m.

So, today these two girls and I went up to the Cheesecake Factory, and nearly the whole way they were saying that I should hook up with this guy that is new that goes to Church with all of us, and I got embarassed every time they brought it up, and it was totally obvious that they were having a good time with it all. Well, they finally pushed me enough where I picked apart all the guys in the ward that were 'available', and by the time I finished they both were saying, well, be nice if he asks you out and stuff. Before I left Arizona, my Bishop out there basically totally me that I was being too picky. Well, maybe so, but I think that I am for good reason. I know what I don't want. The problem is that I will never find anyone who doesn't have at least one of the problems that I don't want a guy to have. Basically, if I am ever going to get into a relationship, I am just going to have to deal with the fact that I am going to date an imperfect guy, and...I don't know if I really can handle this. I mean, seriously, this is something that I really am going to need to work on. I can't have the perfect guy while on this earth, because he simply doesn't exist.
For example, I DO NOT want to be 'stuck' out here in Alabama for the rest of my life, so I don't want to date someone who is rather attached to this neck of the woods. I would rather get together with someone who is moveable. Yes, I am talking serious relationships, because I am very serious about certain things, and relationships are one of those things. So anyways, most of the guys out here are seemingly rooted to Alabama, and I just don't know if I could mentally do that. Stay away from the West for that long?? I mean, I have a hard enough time just being away for the school year, but I go back every Christmas and Summer. If I were rooted down here, that would just cost too much money to go out to Arizona...really ever.
I don't know. They also need to be incredibly intelligent. I just could not stand being with someone who is rather ignorant. I am ignorant about a number of things, but I get around enough where I can understand a great deal of allusions made to real things or thoughts.
See, they want me to hook up with this guy, and I am sorry, but the first impression did not go as well as it could've. When I first saw him, my mind went 'YES!!! A new tall guy!!!' But then, he sat next to me during Sunday School, and for most girls, they would be secretly thinking 'YES!!! He sat next to me!!!', but I am not most girls. I like a full fledged conversation and enough time to observe to make an opinion before I want anyone to sit near unless there is time for that to happen before class begins. He kept scooting over, and he was constantly brushing his arm up against mine or moving his leg over so that he was touching mine. Someone I have never met!! I am sorry, but I did not like that. And then he made a rather corny compliment, and it was all I could do to keep from laughing my heart out. I was able to keep a blank face, but I did not dare speak, and so he clarified the comment in such a way that I was able to restrain the laughter and thank him by giving him a partial smile. He is VERY nice, and has extremely nice manners though. He was at our frisbee/football gathering on Tuesday, and miracle of miracles, I actually played, and that was fun. He just seems corny and a little fake to me, but maybe that is just the way that he is. Kinda like my cousin Barron who is on his mission right now. At first glance, he seems eager, corny, and maybe a little fake, but he is as true a character as you can get. You need to know his parents to understand him better. So maybe this is just the way that he is.
You know, I am glad that nobody ever looks at this, because I don't need to be scared that someone that knows this guy will tell him to check this out, or for that matter, anyone else here.
But for everyone else, what do you think???

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