2005-09-22, 8:42 p.m.

Ah, feeding the missionaries. It's weird, most of the missionaries are younger than me now. I used to look up to these guys and think they were so much more mature than me, but they really are your normal everyday guys. They just have a higher calling. The Elders that are in my area are awesome. Once they are done tracting, about once a week they come and talk with me. I update them on local news (one is the Zone Leader and I guess he needs to stay on top of what is happening with the hurricanes) and they entertain me with cool stories from the week. I go with the missionaries when they need me to help with discussions and stuff. I feel bad, sometimes I take over the lesson for a while, but I feel so pumped and I want these people to know what I believe, and it's so neat to have the chance to completely open up and bear my testimony to someone who has never heard the gospel before. It's all good and fine to stand up in testimony meeting and share it then, but it makes such a difference when you share it with someone who has never heard it. You just hope that the Spirit touches them and that they will ponder over the things that you teach them and that they will learn for themselves that it is true.

I love being a girl by the way. There are so many benefits. I got to talk with one of my students today and we both agreed that we wished that women kept their main role as wife and Mom. Now with the equal rights movement, the focus is on being business women and aspiring to the same things men do. I really believe that the number one desire of a woman should be to have a family and be a Mom. It was cool that my student believed that. I hope I get to talk with her more. She is really sweet and kind and I think that she would really latch onto the Church if she learned more.

Dang it, I need a boyfriend. It's time. I am ready for it again. Any takers?

Good night!

(Reva, it was loverly talking with you today!! We gotta get together soon!!)

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