The epitomy of wrongness
2005-10-17, 11:29 p.m.

Okay, I was wrong.

Yes, I admit it, I was wrong.

At least, I think I was wrong.

I hate it when I am wrong. No I don't, because then I get to try on what it feels like to be humble which I definately need...but it is rough.

K, I really really think I misread this guy. Yeah, he is a little weird, but all guys are. I think I was wrong. The more I am around him, the more I think I was wrong.

Bishop was right!! Fancy that.

So, I wrote this guy an email tonight seriously apologizing for not going out with him (yes, he asked me out and I blew him off...three time!!!). Will he forgive me...who knows. But I am going to put my foot forward and try and fix what I did. So to all of my readers out there (which now consists of more than just Reva!! :) ), I WAS WRONG, and don't think any less of this guy because of what I wrote. He is a wonderful member of the Church, and as Bishop said, I really can know where he stands with Heavenly Father, which is exactly what I want.

Oh, and guess what. He can sing the bassline. Yeah. He knows how to read music or at least harmonize with it. AND he did it without a piano. MmHmm.

I am starting to think Heavenly Father sent me the guy I have been wanting and I totally blew him off. Not good, Elizabeth!! NOT GOOD!! Not that I think that he is, but he could be, and he deserved a shot at the very least!

Yes Becky, if you read this, you were also probably right and I should've given this guy at least a chance. ONE chance. That's all I needed to give him. At least a shot. AHH!!!

I realized I became my worst self ever! I was judgemental, I was gossipy, I was rude and impolite, and I lied. Really, you would think I would learn from past experience, but I didn't. No sir, I didn't. To the masses out there, I am going to try again until I get this right. Thank goodness for the atonement, that's all I have to say. I feel so bad, I may have really hurt this guy's feelings. Dang it.

Okay, Elizabeth is going to try and attempt sleep. It may not come tonight, I am too disappointed in myself.

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