Disinterest and football.
2005-10-25, 3:18 p.m.

Alright...he's going out with some girl in Birmingham, dag na bit. He and I are still going to go out once, but it seems like he's interested. That's what I get. I deserve it for being such a retard. Well, who knows, maybe it wouldn't have worked out anyways. I am acting kinda weird around him. I can't make eye contact with the man when there are other people around. AH!!!

Well...I am hoping that my car will be fixed before tomorrow shows its face. My neighbor is supposed to fix my car today. He just called and said he was coming over. He isn't very good about keeping appointments. He was supposed to be here 1 1/2 hours ago. I think it's a southern thing. As long as it gets done eventually, no rush. It is good and bad. Sometimes the no rush gets taken to an extreme. Ah me. Well, at least I only have to pay for parts. I forgot to go and get some oil. He was going to change it for me. I know a place in town that charges $12 for an oil change, and they check everything and often point out 50 million leaks that I have in my car. Okay, not that many, but you get the picture.

Okay, the people here in Alabama are starting to really go nuts. The University of Alabama is known for its grand history of great football with 12 championships and the famous coach Paul 'Bear' Bryant. Well, the football here evidently hasn't been that good for the past few years because of some controversial stuff involving money and such. Well, things are starting to pan out and the team is doing very very well this year. They are 8-0 so far. They are about to kick Utah State's trash this weekend for homecoming (sorry Utah State fans, but the west really doesn't know what football is). I really couldn't believe the fact that the stadium usually sells out well before the game. Students were selling their tickets for $300 on ebay. You know, at ASU you could go to ANY game on game day and still get a student ticket to the game. Here you have to get it weeks in advance or pay out the nose to get a decent ticket. CRAZY!! But I have to say the games are VERY entertaining to watch. Last week was a doozy. No score until the 3rd quarter, and we won the game 6-3. Totally intense all the way to the end.

Alright, that is all. Have a great day!

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