the boy and SICK!!!!
2005-10-28, 9:28 a.m.

It's amazing how much easier it is to talk with someone once the awkwardness goes away. Although there is a little bit of awkwardness that shows up sometimes. He's turning into a good friend. He is dating some girl up in Birmingham who he is very much into and excited about, which is really cool for him, but kinda awkward for me when he brings her up. But really, it sounds like Ms. Right showed up, he is totally excited about her. A bunch of us went to the temple last night and we kinda talked on the way up but we had a really good discussion on the way down since he arranged to sit next to me and he brought her up a couple of times. But ya'll know me! I am the queen of tangents, so I was able to veer the conversation away fairly quickly. He is really is nice to talk with though. He can keep a conversation running. Very good trait in a guy.

After all of that, I decided that I really wish that I was dating someone right now. Really, this is the perfect time to start dating someone. It is starting to get cold for one. :) And it is nice to have someone around to talk with and to get to know better. I wish I knew where Mr. Right was. I'd just about tackle him right now. :) My Dad said it right. I need to get married. For more than one reason. I think marraige would help tame me down, which is what I think he was refering to. :) I really am ready to get married. I am not scared of it. It's the dating part that gets to me. I like dating once I am serious with someone. But seriously it really sucks until you get to that point, and even then 'serious' dating isn't all peaches and cream either. Oh well.

I am taking a sick day today. I woke up with a sore throat and I was feverish last night so I am going to give whatever bug I caught the day to get out of my system. I cancelled my Atlanta trip cause I have a bunch of stuff to take care of AND I really don't feel comfortable driving my car to Atlanta at the moment, and here I am sick and not wanting to do anything. Blech!

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